Category Archives: Community

The Synergies of Community


This last week I had a special opportunity to help out with one of the coolest organized social runs I’ve seen in the area lately.

Team Red, White & Blue is a community designed to enrich the lives of veterans through social and physical activities meets every Wednesday at the VFW Post for a social run.

Street 2 Feet is a local non-profit organization that promotes strength and self sufficiency through the discipline and joy of running designed for our homeless community.

IAAP is a locally owned athletic advertising and promotions company that works closely with many of the non-profits in the area.

Team RWB invited Street2Feet out for their regularly scheduled social run this last Wednesday and IAAP brought out timing equipment, chips & salsa (the best home made salsa ever I might add) and yummy aguas frescas to enjoy after a hot summer evening run in San Antonio. Other running groups, vendors and food suppliers also showed offering support, treats and goodies too.

S2F RWB Social Run 2

Minka and I went out representing Girls on the Run, and help with serving up those tasty chips and salsa. I am fairly certain that for every 3 plates we served up we had to stop for a chip and salsa snack of our own. It was dang good salsa, y’all. I’m getting off track though.

RWB and S2F Social Run

I remember sitting in the theater watching a production of the Lion King several years ago. By then end of the show I felt like I had been right in the African Kingdom of Lions. I was drawn in by  how well the actors connected with the audience and the lighting, music and backdrops were so well designed and placed that I lost track of the fact that I was sitting in a plush theater. I left the theater humming Circle of Life and thinking through just how those lyrics applied to my own life.

Observing the coordinated efforts of the individual communities was just like watching a theater production. At Girls on the Run, we help the girls understand that each of their unique abilities, skill sets, and interest allows them to each play a role in their communities. And just like in a theater production, there are many roles that have to be filled. When everything comes together just right, a theater production will stir, move, and inspire an audience.

Team RWB, Street2Feet, IAAP and all the other groups that showed up to be a part of this event – YOU ALL deserve a standing ovation! The result of your efforts was definitely greater than your individual contributions. There was a sense of joy and gratitude that filled the air through the evening that was sure to inspire! Thank you all for your thoughtful contributions that are helping to change the world.

S2F RWB Social Run